Luke Reinke

Luke Reinke
Dr Luke T Reinke serves as Associate Professor of mathematics education at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. His primary teaching responsibilities involve teaching mathematics methods courses for elementary school teacher candidates. Dr Reinke’s research is centered around mathematics curriculum. He is particularly interested in how contextualized problems are used to develop students’ mathematical understanding and how teachers implement curriculum materials in the classroom.
Research Interests:
Mathematics curriculum
Use of contextualized problems in mathematics instruction
Teachers’ use of mathematics curriculum
Ph.D.- University of Pennsylvania, 2015, Teaching, Learning and Curriculum (Math Ed specialization)
M.A.T – Duke University 2005, Mathematics and Physics Education
B.S.E – Duke University 2001, Biomedical Engineering
Introduction to Teaching Mathematics
Instructional Design and Technology Integration with Elementary School Learners
Selected Publications:
Reinke, L.T., Stephan, M., Ayan-Civak, R., Casto, A. (2023) Teachers’ press for contextualization to ground students’ mathematical understanding of ratio. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education. 26, 335-361. Reinke, L., Miller, E., Starker-Glass, T. (2023) “It’s Something I Believe in, but it’s Not Something I Understand”: White Teacher Educators Working Towards Antiracist Pedagogy. Whiteness and Education, 8(1), 1-19. Colonnese, M.W, Reinke, L.T. & Polly, D. (2022) An Analysis of the Questions Elementary Education Teacher Candidates Pose to Elicit Mathematical Thinking, Action in Teacher Education. 44(3), 196-211. Reinke, L., Schmidt, L., Myers, A., Polly, D., (2022) Developing Student Teachers’ Skills at Eliciting Students’ Mathematical Thinking Using the Coaching Cycle. The Teacher Educator. 57(2), 215-237.
Stephan, M., Register, J., Reinke, L., Robinson, C., Pugalenthi, P., & Pugalee, D. (2021). People use math as a weapon: Critical mathematics consciousness in the time of COVID-19. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 108, 513-532.
Reinke, L.T. & Casto, A. (2022) Motivators or Conceptual Foundation? Investigating the Development of Teacher Beliefs about Context Problems, Mathematics Education Research Journal. 34, 113-137.
Stephan, M., Reinke, L.T., & Cline, J. (2020) Beyond Hooks: Real World Contexts as Anchors for Instruction. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12. 113(10), 821-827.
Reinke, L.T. (2020) Contextual problems as conceptual anchors. Research in Mathematics Education, 22(1), 3-21
Reinke, L.T. (2019) Toward an Analytical Framework for Contextual Problem-based Mathematics Instruction. Mathematical Thinking and Learning. 21(4), 265-284.
Remillard, J., Reinke, L. Kapoor, R. (2019) What is the point? Examining how curriculum materials articulate mathematical goals and how teachers steer instruction. International Journal of Educational Research. 93, 101-117.