Chrislyn Luce
Chrislyn Luce
Dr. Luce has taught various courses at UNC Charlotte including courses on classroom assessment, teaching mathematics, and differentiated instruction. She has supervised in the clinical setting for over twenty years and enjoys making the connections between current research and best practices in the classroom. She is trained in scoring EdTPA through Pearson and enjoys helping students succeed in this capstone project. Her current areas of interest include using learner choice strategies, growth mindset practices in the classroom, and the impact of quality descriptive feedback on student achievement and motivation to learn.
Ph.D University of Southern Mississippi, Curriculum and Instruction1993,
M.A. Florida State University,Mathematics Education, 1995
B.A. Florida State University, Early Childhood Education, 1982
Instructional Differentiation and Leadership for 21st Century Learners; Measuring and Evaluation Student Learning; Teaching Mathematics to Elementary School Learners, Introduction to Education
Research Interests/Areas of Expertise
Instructional differentiation; Mathematics Methods; Assessment strategies to improve learning; Growth Mindset
Kappa Delta Pi Leadership Award
Community Involvement
Boy Scouts
Crop Walk
Loaves and Fishes